
Terms & Conditions

Welcome to raptureholiday.com (“Website”). The domain name of the Website is owned by Rapture Holiday (“we/ us/ our”), a company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.

The customer’s (“you/ your/ traveller”) use of the Website, services and tools are governed by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) including the applicable policies which are incorporated herein by way of reference and constitute a valid agreement between you and us. If you transact on the Website, you shall be subject to the policies that are applicable, as displayed on the Website for such transactions. Your use of this Website constitutes your binding obligation and agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices which are subject to amendment without any notice by us. Any usage of the Website is subject to the following Terms of Use:

Limitation on content usage :

  • Your use of any information or materials on this Website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not undertake any liability. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this Website, meet your specific requirements.
  • You are restricted from modifying, copying, distributing, transmitting, displaying, performing, reproducing, publishing, licensing, creating derivative works from, transferring, or selling any information, software, products or services obtained from this Website.
  • Reproduction of content from the Website is prohibited save and except in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these Terms of Use.
  • Unauthorized use of the Website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense. You shall solely bear the consequences arising out of the breach of any of the terms given above.
  • Further, we reserve exclusive rights to alter, modify, and delete any of the contents without giving prior notice to any person.

Editorial Codes of Conduct

  • As a travel agency that reaches hundreds of readers in India, we understand the responsibility and impact we have in the country.
  • At Rapture Holiday we strive to do business lawfully and ethically which includes acting with honesty and fairness in all we do and, overall, treating one another with respect.
  • It’s core to our values and our utmost devotion to excellence. Working lawfully and ethically isn’t only good for our employees, our partners and our world, it’s also good for business.


  • Rapture Holiday claims no credit for images featured on our blog site unless otherwise noted. All visual content is copyrighted to its respectful owners. We try to link back to original sources whenever possible.
  • If you own rights to any of the images and do not wish them to appear on Rapture Holiday, please contact us and they will be promptly removed. We believe in providing proper attribution to the original author, artist or photographer.

Please Note: Any information published by Rapture Holiday in any form of content is not intended to be a substitute for any kind of medical advice, and one must not take any action before consulting a professional medical expert of their own choice.

Third party websites :

  • The Website contain materials which is either owned by, or licensed, to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics of the content displayed on the Website and App. From time to time, the Website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience for providing further useful information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We, or our contractors, agents, owners, and employees are not responsible for the content or policies of such other websites to which our Website may link or use offers from. Please take time to learn about them as well.

Limitation of liability :

  • By making a booking, you understand Rapture Holiday merely provides a technology platform for booking of services and products and the ultimate liability rests on the respective Travel Agent and/ or Service Provider for its execution/ performance and not Rapture Holiday. Thus the ultimate contract of service is between you and Travel Agent and /or Service Provider as the case may be.
  • In this regard, you acknowledge the below as well:
      • Rapture Holiday assumes no liability for the standard of services as provided by the respective Service Providers.
      • Rapture Holiday provides no guarantee with regard to their quality or fitness as represented.
      • Rapture Holiday doesn’t guarantee the availability of any services as listed by a Travel Agent / Service Provider.
  • You agree and acknowledge that we will have the right of indemnification for any loss that may be caused to us for any misuse of its Website, by you and we will have all rights to approach the appropriate court of law for the enforcement of such rights.
  • Rapture Holiday and/or its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents or suppliers and their respective successors, heirs and permitted assigns will not be liable for any loss that you may suffer due to rejection of your tickets, hotel cancellation policies and/or any other policy of third parties service providers who are involved in the product that you purchase from us.
  • It shall be your obligation to ensure that your ID proof is valid and eligible for undertaking travel as required. Rapture Holiday and/or its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents or suppliers and their respective successors, heirs and permitted assigns will not be liable for ID proof being declared ineligible/invalid for entry/exit during or prior to undertaking the travel.

Force Majeure

  • Neither Rapture Holiday nor any of its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents or suppliers and their respective successors, heirs and permitted assigns shall be responsible for, or be deemed to be in default on account of, any failure to perform or due to delay in performance of any of its obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, if such performance is rendered impracticable by the occurrence of acts of war, whether declared or undeclared, sabotage, embargo, acts of terrorism, riot or other civil commotion, failure in transportation, act of any government or any court or administrative agency thereof, acts of God, fire, explosion, flood, earthquake, strike, act of government or other catastrophes, epidemics or quarantine restrictions, or other cause(s) beyond the reasonable control of us (“Force Majeure”).
  • Both you and us shall use their best efforts to avoid, overcome and offset the effects of any cause or potential cause of an event of Force Majeure. Upon cessation of the cause of the Force Majeure, the Terms of Use given hereunder shall again become fully operative. However, a Force Majeure event will not relieve you or us of the obligations accrued prior to the occurrence of the Force Majeure.
  • No change in the event’s itinerary would be entertained, once the programme has commenced. Rapture Holiday reserves the right to modify or cancel the programme, due an act of God or any unavoidable circumstance (Such as: heavy snowfall, cloud burst, road blockage, political unrest, etc.). If possible, we will update you of the change in itinerary at the earliest.
  • Some event take place in districts where we have less control over the quality of internal travel and accommodation arrangements, which may differ in quality and the level of comfort provided and may also differ from their description provided by us in good faith in our brochures, pamphlets, website and social media.

Privacy :

  • Your privacy is extremely important to us. Upon acceptance of these Terms of Use, you confirm that you have read, understood, and unequivocally accepted our Privacy Policy.

Authority of the leader/instructor/guide

  • A leader/Instructor/Guide is the supreme authority designated to lead a group of travellers. Our leaders(Camp leader, trek leader, group leader, etc), have the responsibility and authority to make decisions affecting the well-being and safety of a group of participants and of each participant within the group; and that as a result they may require a participant to leave the group without any liability on the company’s part for resulting supplementary expenses and without making any refund. The basis for such a decision being made may incorporate, but not be restricted to, an opinion by the leader that:
    1. The participant’s health or life is at risk.
    2. Illegal activity has been committed.
    3. A participant’s behavior has or is likely to be seriously inimical to the enjoyment of the trip by the group or harmful to its well-being or safety.
    4. Breach of terms and conditions/rules and regulations of the Company

Booking & Payments

  • Payments are accepted through the online website registration portal(raptureholiday.com) or by Google Pay/PhonePe on 8866686508 or by cash at the office listed on the website.
  • We do not accept any kind of payment through any 3rd party portals, agents, booking offices, mobile applications, etc
  • In the case of Advance Payment, if any modification in schedule or planning due to unavoidable circumstances is made, the participant will have to agree with it and bear the extra charges with the remaining payment.


  • Cancellation would be granted by the Higher Authorities on receiving cancellation requests through the email (contact@raptureholiday.com). The cancellation Amount will be counted on total camp fees only.
  • In case of refund, transaction charges are not refundable by banks/payment gateways.
  • The refund amount will be paid in 7 to 12 working days directly into the bank account.
  • Cancellation Amount will be as per under (the percentage shows the amount on total camp fees)…
    • For Local Camps in Gujarat
      • Before more than 15 days of Departure, 10%
      • Before 2 to 15 days of Departure, 50%
      • In the last 48 hours of Departure & After depart, 90%
    • For National Camps in the Other States
      • Before more than 40 days of Departure, 10%
      • Before 21 to 40 days of Departure, 25%
      • Before 11 to 20 days of Departure, 40%
      • Before 2 to 10 days of Departure, 60%
      • In the last 48 hours of Departure, 90%


  • No refunds would be made or entertained if the company cancels or modifies any programmes due to an act of God or any unavoidable circumstances.
  • If a trek is called off at the last moment due to a natural calamity/unforeseen circumstances (like rains, earthquake, landslides, strike, bandh etc) no amount will be refunded. According to the situation will be providing some alternatives.

Covid-19_Bookings, Refund And Cancellations :

  • The Customer agrees that due to recent outbreak of COVID-19 which has been declared as pandemic, there may be instances, where the end service provider (including Travel Agent) either cancels the booking or refuses to provide the services, as agreed with the Customer, by assigning or not assigning any specific reason for such refusal. Refusal of service may be due to the reasons including but not limited to the Customer:
      • Exhibiting any symptoms associated with COVID 19.
      • Refusing to comply with safety advisories, like wearing protective gear, complying with social distancing norms etc.
      • Suffering of any ailment making the Customer vulnerable to the virus
      • Posing a threat to the health and safety of others or
      • Any other condition put forward by the Central Government, State Governments and statutory bodies etc.
  • In such cases Rapture Holiday will assume no liability for the refusal of service by the end service provider. The Customer also agrees that refund, if any, for such bookings will be processed by Rapture Holiday to the Customer subject to receipt of the same from the end service provider.
  • The Customer further understands that due to the outbreak of COVID-19, there may be frequent changes in guidelines and/ or SOPs issued by the Central Government, State Governments and statutory bodies etc. that a traveler will have to follow in order to undertake the travel.
  • The Customer agrees to abide with all such guidelines/SOP while undertaking any travel. In case Customer fails to adhere to the same which results in the refusal to travel, Rapture Holiday will not be held liable for such refusal and refund, if any, shall be strictly as per the terms of the service provider.


Indemnification & Restrictions On Refund :

  • The Customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Rapture Holiday, its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, lawful successors and assigns from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and disbursements in connection therewith and interest chargeable thereon) asserted against or incurred by such indemnified persons, that arise out of, result from, or may be payable by virtue of, any breach of any representation or warranty provided by the User, or non-adherence of any covenant by the Customer.
  • Rapture Holiday reserves its right to hold or forfeit the refund if it found the Customer violating any of the T&Cs.

Customer’s Responsibility :

  • While we appreciate hearing from you, however, you are fully responsible for the content of your Submissions, (specifically including, but not limited to, reviews posted about this Website and/or about Rapture Holiday on any other website, Social Media Platform or any other mode as may be available to you from time to time). You will not post or continue to post or transmit or continue to transmit or publish/ continue to publish any content about Rapture Holiday and/ or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates which is unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, untrue, obscene, pornographic or other material or content that you believe or have reasons to believe to be untrue and may have an adverse impact on the reputation of Rapture Holiday.

Contact Us :

Please send any questions or comments (including all inquiries related to copyright infringement) regarding this Website to contact@raptureholiday.com.